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Editorial Days
3 minutes read
From egg to butterfly

Time Inc. (UK) reaches 28 million users per month online. Its print stable of 60 titles is read by almost half of all UK adults. Interactions with its users take place more than ten times per second. The scale and speed of that messaging is astonishing – but with that scale comes the challenge of keeping tabs on every item of content and every change it undergoes.Andrew Derrer

Andrew Derrer, the senior advisor leading Time Inc. UK's Editorial Transformation, spells out the need to stay in touch with every content element as it grows and changes, including all the publishing possibilities implied by that lifespan.

“Everything is a transaction; from the germ of a content idea to publishing, and what you have to do is capture that journey from the first thought through its metamorphosis from cell, to larvae, to butterfly.”

“Only by joining all these parts can you get a clear picture of what we are doing, why we are doing it, what it costs, what is involved, and where the problems are.

That's what Desk-Net lets us do – create a story with a unique identifier to which you can pin all the other attributes as it evolves including rights, costs, and re-licensing.”

time_inc_uk_titlesDesk-Net is part of a full end to end business solution the advisory team came up with as part of a consultative process they undertook with the staff.

“There are around 750 full time editorial staff within the building including external resources, plus about 4000 contributors who provide content: so we are talking about thousands of individuals all of whom touch Desk-Net in varying degrees,” explains Chris Harrison, Business Analyst on the project.

Andrew Derrer and his team of Business Analyst Chris Harrison and Project Manager Gary Sheehan will be at the Editorial Days to give a detailed account of how they managed to implement the full end to end process and solution for the entire content planning, creation, production and publishing of all content, while managing to deliver full commercial transparency and optimal efficiency. 
