Make sure everyone knows what they need to do and when so you can meet every deadline without last-minute headaches or fire drills.

Task assignment

Assign tasks to anyone

Desk-Net links tasks with their stories, ensuring everyone stays on the same page with content plans and assignments. 

Assign one or multiple tasks, such as "shoot video" or "write content," to anyone, quickly and easily. Either select one of the pre-defined tasks or create a new custom task. You can even assign tasks to freelancers and colleagues who don't use Desk-Net.

Tasks always stay linked to the rest of your story data, so you can do all your planning in one place.

Managemenet of editorial tasks in Desk-Net editorial calendar
List of editorial tasks with status in Desk-Net

Task status

Get a clear view of your team’s progress

Which photo assignments are due this week? Which graphic tasks are overdue?

With so many moving pieces, you’ll need the right tool to stay on top of your team’s work.

Desk-Net gives you flexible filters and sorting options over a list of everyone’s tasks. So you can review your team’s progress however you need to.

See which tasks need to be assigned and which ones are overdue.

Standardized Editorial Commissioning

Manage freelancers without the hassle

Within a Desk-Net assignment, you can easily communicate terms and conditions, agreed-upon costs and any additional notes — which can either be accepted or rejected by the freelancer.

Plus, save time and money by setting a predefined text length (often labeled with t-shirt sizes: S, M, L, XL, etc.) and limit the number of words your writer can enter within the content field.

Personal task list

Empower your team to meet every deadline

Your team members want to know: “What’s on today’s to-do list? What tasks have been assigned to me?” Desk-Net has the answers. The My Schedule page shows users their own list of tasks, appointments, absences, and shift assignments. That way, everyone on your team knows what to do and when.

Get your 30-day free trial today!